This episode is about “Family”, the words you need to use, their meanings, how to introduce your family and how to describe each family member with personality adjectives.

Episode 2: “Family”

Host: “Welcome back to Neek podcast! I’m Yasaman, and if this is your first time joining us, please check out our first episode on greetings. Today, we’re all about family – the words we use to talk about our loved ones, and how to describe them. Are you ready? Let’s jump in!”

Family Vocabulary

  • H: “Families come in all shapes and sizes, but some relations رابطه are everywhere. Let’s learn some key words:”
    • Parents: mother (mom) and father (dad)
    • Siblings: brother and sister
    • Extended Family: grandmother (grandma), grandfather (grandpa), uncle, aunt, cousin.

H: “After me… ‘mother’, ‘father’… Good! Let’s continue.”


Talking about Family

  • H: “Now that we have our vocabulary, how do we use it in sentences?”
    • “My mother’s name is [Name].”
    • “I have two brothers.”
    • “My uncle and aunt live in [City].”

H: “Try making a sentence about your family!”

My father is an accountant. My father is retired بازنشسته . My mother is a banker. My mother is a housewife خانه دار . My mother is retired. My older brother is a college student. My younger sister is married. She has a son-Don. Don is my nephew.. nephew.. خواهرزاده یا برادرزاده پسر. My older brother has a daughter-Sana. Sana is my niece… niece..  خواهرزاده یا برادرزاده دختر



Describing Family

  • H: “Want to add some flavor to your family descriptions? Let’s learn some simple adjectives.”
    • “My younger sister is very talented. Talented.. با استعداد”
    • “My older brother is tall   قد بلند  and funny بامزه  “
    • “My grandma is caring and loving.” مهربان-کسی که از همه مراقبت میکنه و بهشون عشق میورزه caring and loving.

H: “Repeat these adjectives: younger, older, tall, funny, caring, loving.”

Interactive Dialogue

Person A: “Do you have any siblings?”

Person B: “Yes, I have an elder sister and a younger brother. My sister, Lily, is very smart and works as a doctor. My brother, Tom, is still in school. How about you?”

Person A: “I only have a younger sister. She’s quite artistic and loves painting. Our grandparents live with us too. My grandma tells the best stories!”

H: “How big or small is your family? Think of how you’d share about them using what we’ve learned.”


“Thanks for being a part of today’s family episode on Neek Podcast. Join us next time as we explore a ‘Day in the Life’ – understanding daily routines. Keep speaking, keep learning!”




  1. Relations (رابطه) – “I have many relations.”
    • Farsi: من روابط زیادی دارم.
  2. Parents (والدین) – “My parents are kind.”
    • Farsi: والدین من مهربان هستند.
  3. Siblings (خواهر و برادر) – “My siblings play with me.”
    • Farsi: خواهر و برادر من با من بازی می کنند.
  4. Nephew (خواهرزاده یا برادرزاده پسر) – “My nephew is funny.”
    • Farsi: خواهرزاده من بامزه است.
  5. Niece (خواهرزاده یا برادرزاده دختر) – “My niece is smart.”
    • Farsi: خواهرزاده دختر من باهوش است.
  6. Talented (با استعداد) – “My friend is talented at music.”
    • Farsi: دوست من در موسیقی با استعداد است.
  7. Retired (بازنشسته) – “My grandfather is retired.”
    • Farsi: پدربزرگ من بازنشسته است.
  8. Housewife (خانه دار) – “My aunt is a housewife.”
    • Farsi: عمه من خانه دار است.
  9. Funny (بامزه) – “My brother is funny.”
    • Farsi: برادر من بامزه است.
  10. Caring and loving (مهربان و عاشقانه) – “My teacher is caring and loving.”
    • Farsi: معلم من مهربان و دلسوز است.

Basic English Paragraph: Family

Family is very important. We all have a family. Some families are big, and some are small. A family can have a mom, dad, brothers, and sisters. Grandmas and grandpas are family too. Some people have uncles, aunts, and cousins. Families like to spend time together. They eat, play, and talk. It is nice to have a family. Families help and love each other. It is fun to learn about our families.