This episode is about “Food”, the necessary vocabularies related to food and drink and the meals we have during the day. It also includes a sample conversation at a restaurant.

Episode 4: “Tasty Treats”

Host (H): “Hello and welcome back to Neek podcast. Today, we’re talking about a delicious topic – food and drinks! Whether you’re a chef or just someone who enjoys a good meal, this episode is for you.”

Now hop on and let’s get started.


Daily Meals

  • H: “From breakfast to dinner, let’s learn how to talk about our meals.”
    • Breakfast breakfast صبحانه
    • Lunch   lunch ناهار 
    • Dinner dinner  شام
    • Snacks  snacks   میان وعده
    • Dessert dessert دسر


Favourite Foods and Drinks

  • H: “Everyone has their favorites. Let’s dive into some common foods and drinks. Common foods and drinks غذاها و نوشیدنی های رایج.   Common means رایج “
    • Pizza, pasta, salad, sandwiches, burgers, stew خورش
    • Water, juice, coffee, tea, soda

In Iran the staple food is rice, برنج.  Rice . staple food غذای غالب مردم

What do you usually eat for breakfast? I eat toast and cheese and honey and I drink a cup of hot tea.

What about you?

What do you usually have for lunch? I usually have the common Iranian dishes like adas-polo (lentil-rice) white rice and stew (خورش), Loobia polo (rice and green beans)

What about you?

And what do you usually have for dinner? I usually go for something light like salad or eggs.

And what about you?



Eating Out

  • H: “Sometimes, we eat out at restaurants or cafes. Here’s how you can order or discuss your meal.”
    • “Can I have a menu?” (repeat) or where can I scan the menu?
    • “I’d like a coffee, please.” (repeat) I’ll have the burger please. (repeat)
    • “Can I have another coke? (repeat)
    • Can we have the check please. OR can we have the bill please? (repeat)

Now imagine you are at your favorite café or restaurant and you want to order what you always have, but this time in English! Let’s go!


Recap & Practice

So we said that the meals of the day are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and sometimes in between the meals we feel a bit hungry and we have a snack (like a fruit or some biscuit) and sometimes after a meal we feel like having something sweet so go for a dessert like a chocolate cake, or some ice-cream.

  • H: “What’s your favorite meal or drink? Share it in English!”

Outro [30 seconds] H: “Join us next time as we dive into ‘Work and Play’, discussing hobbies and professions.”


  1. Breakfast (صبحانه) – “I eat eggs for breakfast.”
    • Farsi: من تخم‌مرغ برای صبحانه می‌خورم.
  2. Lunch (ناهار) – “I have rice for lunch.”
    • Farsi: من برای ناهار برنج می‌خورم.
  3. Dinner (شام) – “We eat salad for dinner.”
    • Farsi: ما برای شام سالاد می‌خوریم.
  4. Snacks (میان وعده) – “I like fruit as a snack.”
    • Farsi: من میوه را به عنوان میان وعده دوست دارم.
  5. Dessert (دسر) – “Cake is my favorite dessert.”
    • Farsi: کیک دسر مورد علاقه‌ من است.
  6. Stew (خورش) – “My mother makes delicious stew.”
    • Farsi: مادرم خورش خوشمزه‌ای درست می‌کند.
  7. Staple food (غذای غالب مردم) – “Rice is a staple food in our country.”
    • Farsi: برنج غذای غالب در کشور ما است.
  8. Menu (منو) – “Can I see the menu, please?”
    • Farsi: لطفاً منو را نشان می‌دهید؟
  9. Order (سفارش دادن) – “I will order pizza.”
    • Farsi: من پیتزا سفارش می‌دهم.

Basic English Paragraph: Food and Drinks

Food is what we eat, like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast is the first meal of the day. Many people eat toast, eggs, and drink tea for breakfast. Lunch is the meal in the middle of the day. Some have rice and vegetables for lunch. Dinner is the last big meal. At dinner, people often eat light food like salad. Snacks are small foods we eat between meals, like fruits. Dessert is sweet food we eat after meals, like cake or ice-cream. We enjoy eating and drinking every day. It is fun to try new foods at a restaurant. Eating is important and tasty.

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