This episode is about “Daily Routine”, what we usually do from morning to night in a typical day, and also what we usually do in the evening. It has sample conversations and it perfectly fits the grammar of “Simple Present tense”.

Episode 3: “A Day in the Life”

[Intro Music: 30 seconds]

Host (H): “Hello, dear listeners! Welcome to another episode of [Neek podcast]. I’m Yassaman, and today we’ll dive into a fascinating topic: daily routines. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, our routines shape our day. Let’s explore how to talk about them!”

Morning Routines

  • H: “For many, the day starts with the sound of an alarm. From there, we take a shower, eat breakfast, and maybe read the news. Let’s learn some vocabulary and phrases for the morning.”
    • Wake up بیدار شدن
    • Get up پا شدن
    • Brush my teeth مسواک زدن 
    • Take a shower دوش گرفتن 
    • Eat breakfastصبحانه خوردن
    • Go to work/school رفتن سرکار یا مدرسه 

H: “Now, repeat after me… ‘wake up’, ‘brush my teeth’…”



Afternoon to Evening Activities

  • H: “As the day goes forward, we do different activities. Maybe you have lunch with colleagues, or perhaps you go to the gym in the evening. Let’s continue our day:”
    • Have lunch with colleaguesغذا خوردن با همکاران  
    • Attend meetings or classes حضور در جلسات یا کلاس  
    • Finish work/school تمام کردن کار یا مدرسه  
    • Exercise or go to the gym ورزش کردن/ باشگاه رفتن  
    • Cook dinner شام پختن

H: “Your turn! Say ‘have lunch with colleagues’, ‘exercise’…”


Night Rituals

  • H: “Nighttime is when we wind down means relax. آرام گرفتن. After a long day, here’s what some might do:”
    • Watch TV or read
    • Call family or friends
    • Listen to music or a podcast (like this one!)
    • Go to bed

H: “Try these out. ‘Watch TV’, ‘listen to music’…”

Interactive Dialogue


Person A: “I always start my day with a jog. How about you?”

Person B: “I’m not much of a morning person. I usually just have a big breakfast and then head to work. Evenings are for relaxation – maybe a movie or some reading.”

Person A: “Sounds peaceful! I typically wrap up my day with some music and then off to bed.”

H: “Consider your day. How would you describe it using the terms we’ve discussed?”

Recap & Practice [2.5 minutes]:

  • H: “Today, we talked about a day from morning to night, learning about daily routines. As a challenge, try telling your day in English to a friend or write it down in a journal. You’ll be surprised at how these small practices can make a big difference!”

That’s a wrap on today’s episode of Neek. Remember, every day is a story. Just make the most of your day!”



  1. Wake up (بیدار شدن) – “I wake up at 7 AM.”
    • Farsi: من ساعت ۷ صبح بیدار می‌شوم.
  2. Brush my teeth (دندان‌هایم را مسواک می‌زنم) – “I brush my teeth after breakfast.”
    • Farsi: من بعد از صبحانه دندان‌هایم را مسواک می‌زنم.
  3. Take a shower (دوش گرفتن) – “I take a shower before going to school.”
    • Farsi: من قبل از رفتن به مدرسه دوش می‌گیرم.
  4. Eat breakfast (صبحانه خوردن) – “I eat breakfast with my family.”
    • Farsi: من صبحانه را با خانواده‌ام می‌خورم.
  5. Go to work/school (رفتن به کار/مدرسه) – “My mother goes to work early.”
    • Farsi: مادرم زود به کار می‌رود.
  6. Have lunch with colleagues (ناهار خوردن با همکاران) – “I have lunch with my colleagues at 1 PM.”
    • Farsi: من ساعت ۱ ظهر با همکارانم ناهار می‌خورم.
  7. Attend meetings or classes (شرکت در جلسات یا کلاس‌ها) – “We attend classes in the morning.”
    • Farsi: ما صبح‌ها در کلاس‌ها شرکت می‌کنیم.
  8. Exercise or go to the gym (ورزش کردن یا رفتن به باشگاه) – “I go to the gym in the evening.”
    • Farsi: من عصرها به باشگاه می‌روم.
  9. Cook dinner (شام پختن) – “I cook dinner for my family.”
    • Farsi: من شام را برای خانواده‌ام می‌پزم.
  10. Relax (آرام گرفتن) – “I relax by reading a book at night.”
    • Farsi: من شب‌ها با خواندن کتاب آرام می‌گیرم.

Basic English Paragraph: Daily Routine

Every day has a morning, afternoon, and night. In the morning, I wake up, brush my teeth, and eat breakfast. Then I go to school. In the afternoon, I have lunch and go to classes. After school, I play or do homework. In the evening, I eat dinner with my family. We talk and laugh. At night, I watch TV or read a book. Then I go to bed. This is my daily routine. It is a simple day.