This episode is about how to meet and greet with people in different times of the days, in different situations. Also you can learn how to introduce yourself and have a simple conversation with someone you know and also with someone you don’t know.

Episode 1: “Hello, World!”

Host: “Welcome to Neek Podcast! I’m Yassaman and today, we’re talking about greetings and introductions. If you’re meeting someone for the first time or joining a group, today’s episode will give you the basics!”


  • H: “So, when you first meet someone, how do you say hello in English? There’s the simple ‘Hello’ and ‘Hi’, but we have other words based on the time of day.”
    • Morning: Good morning!
    • Afternoon: Good afternoon!
    • Evening: Good evening!

H: “Let’s practice. I’ll say the greeting, and you repeat after me…”

Hello! …….

Hi! ………

Good morning!

Good afternoon!

Good evening!


  • H: ” After you said hello, you want to get to know the person a bit. You want to get to know the person آشنا شدن    Get to know someone…  Here are some questions and their answers.”
    • What’s your name? My name is [Your Name].
    • How are you? I’m good, thank you. Or: I’m fine, thanks.

H: “Now, your turn! I’ll ask the question, and you try to answer…”

What’s your name?

How are you?

How are you today?

Excellent very good!




Introducing yourself معرفی کردن    introducing

  • H: “If you’re in a group, or you want to share more about yourself, here’s how you can introduce yourself.”
    • I’m from [Iran/ Tehran].
    • I’m a [teacher/ writer/ student].
    • I am 30 years old.

H: “Imagine you’re introducing yourself to me. Give it a try!”

A: “Good evening!”

B: “Hello! My name’s [Name B]. How are you?”

A: “I’m great, thank you. I’m [Name A]. It’s nice to meet you, [Name B].”

B: “Likewise! Where are you from, [Name A]?”

A: “I’m from [City]. And you?”

B: “I’m from [Different City].”

H: “Did you catch all that? Don’t worry if not; you can always replay this section.”

“So today, we learned basic greetings and how to introduce ourselves. Now, take a moment to practice with a friend or even in front of a mirror. Remember, practice makes perfect!”

“Thanks for listening to Neek podcast. Don’t forget to join us for the next episode, where we’ll explore family! Be happy, and keep practicing!”

Vocabulary and Sentences

  1. Greetings (سلام و احوالپرسی) – “Greetings” words we use to say hello and good bye and ask about other peoples’ day.
    • Sentence: I offered my greetings when I entered the room.
    • Farsi: سلام و احوالپرسی
  2. Get to know: I will get to know my coworkers better at the team dinner.
    • Farsi: آشنا شدن
  3. Introducing: She is introducing herself to the class.

           Farsi: معرفی کردن

  1. Morning: I wake up at 6:30 every morning.

Farsi: صبح

  1. Afternoon: Some people take a nap in the afternoon.

Farsi: بعدازظهر

  1. Evening: In the evening, I finish work and watch TV.

Farsi: عصر



Meetings and Greetings

When we meet someone for the first time, it is common to start with a simple “Hello” or “Hi.” If it’s morning, you can say “Good morning,” and if it is any time between 1 and 5 pm use “Good afternoon” and for 5 pm till night say “Good evening”. These are basic forms of greetings. After that, you might want to introduce yourself or ask a few questions to get to know the other person, like their name and how they are doing. This can help you make new friends.