In this episode of the Neek podcast, Milad delves into the intricate concept of self-love, describing it as the foundation of our lives and a testament to our intrinsic worthiness. He emphasizes that self-love transcends vanity or selfishness, focusing instead on self-awareness as a crucial tool for navigating life’s challenges, embracing vulnerabilities, and fostering growth towards a more compassionate and forgiving relationship with oneself.

Episode 3- Self-Love

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Neek podcast, where we explore the way people influence and shape how we see things.

My name is Milaad, and today, we’re going to talk about a powerful, beautiful and important concept of self-love.

Self-love. It’s an elusive concept, isn’t it?

We hear about it everywhere—on social media, in self-help books, whispered in moments of introspection. But what does it really mean? To me, self-love is the foundation upon which our entire lives are built. It’s the unwavering belief in our own worthiness, the unshakable embrace of who we are, flaws and all.

You see, self-love isn’t about vanity or selfishness. It’s about acknowledging our own value, treating ourselves with kindness, and understanding that we deserve the same compassion we readily offer to others. It’s the cornerstone of our well-being—a reservoir of strength that sustains us through life’s storms.

Yet, the journey to self-love isn’t an easy one. We live in a world that often teaches us the opposite—constantly bombarding us with unattainable standards of beauty, success, and happiness. We’re told that our worth is tied to external validation, that our flaws make us unworthy, and that we must fit into molds crafted by societal expectations. It’s a maze of contradictions and pressures that can leave us feeling lost, disconnected from our true selves.

But here’s the thing: self-love flourishes in the fertile soil of self-awareness. To love ourselves deeply, authentically, we must first know ourselves. Self-awareness is the flashlight that guides us through the labyrinth of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. It’s the mirror that reflects our true essence, beyond the masks we wear for the world.

When we cultivate self-awareness, we become attuned to our strengths and weaknesses. We embrace our imperfections as the brushstrokes that compose the masterpiece of our being. Self-awareness invites us to listen to our inner voice—the one that whispers our deepest desires, fears, and dreams. It’s about understanding our values, setting boundaries, and recognizing when we need to nurture ourselves.

Yet, self-awareness is not a destination; it’s a journey—a continuous exploration of the self. It requires us to be gentle with ourselves, to embrace vulnerability, and to be open to growth. It’s the courage to confront our shadows and the willingness to learn from our experiences, even the painful ones.

And in this journey of self-awareness, self-love becomes our guiding star. It’s the gentle hand that leads us back to ourselves when we falter, the soothing voice that whispers, “You are enough.” Self-love is the radical act of reclaiming our worthiness, independent of external judgments or societal norms.

So, how do we nurture self-love in our lives? It begins with small, intentional steps—moments of self-care, practicing self-compassion, and celebrating our victories, no matter how small. It’s about honoring our needs without guilt, setting boundaries to protect our well-being, and surrounding ourselves with people who uplift and cherish us for who we are.

And let’s not forget the power of self-forgiveness. We’re all human, prone to making mistakes and facing setbacks. But in those moments, self-love whispers, “It’s okay. You’re learning, growing, evolving.” It’s the grace we extend to ourselves, acknowledging that we’re a work in progress, beautifully flawed and perfectly imperfect.

The journey to self-love is not linear. There will be days when self-doubt knocks on our door, when insecurities cast their shadows upon us. But it’s during those moments that our commitment to self-awareness becomes our anchor—the compass that guides us back to the path of self-love.

So, my friends, let’s embark on this journey together—a journey fueled by self-awareness, nurtured by self-compassion, and illuminated by the radiant light of self-love. Remember, you are worthy. You are enough. And in the vast tapestry of existence, your love for yourself is the thread that weaves everything together.

Thank you for joining me on the Neek Podcast.

Until next time, let’s keep searching for love inside and outside of ourselves.

And let’s end our journey today with this beautiful short Poem from Melody Godfred;

Of all the

things I own,

my worth is my

favorite possession.

  1. Elusive (مبهم): Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
    Example: “True happiness can sometimes feel elusive, like trying to catch a cloud.”
  2. Introspection (درون نگری): The examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.
    Example: “Through introspection, she discovered a deeper understanding of herself.”
  3. Unwavering (ثابت قدم): Steady or resolute; not wavering.
    Example: “His unwavering commitment to his goals inspired everyone around him.”
  4. Vanity (خودپسندی): Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements.
    Example: “She realized that her focus on appearance was more about vanity than self-care.”
  5. Compassion (دلسوزی): Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
    Example: “Showing compassion to others often starts with being kind to ourselves.”
  6. Labyrinth (هزارتو): A complicated irregular network of passages or paths; a maze.
    Example: “Navigating the labyrinth of modern life requires resilience and adaptability.”
  7. Authentically (به صورت اصیل): In a way that is true to oneself or the original.
    Example: “Living authentically means embracing your true self, without fear of judgment.”
  8. Vulnerability (آسیب پذیری): The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed.
    Example: “Embracing vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness, in the journey of self-growth.”
  9. Setbacks (موانع): A reversal or check in progress.
    Example: “Despite the setbacks she faced, her determination to succeed only grew stronger.”
  1. Self-awareness: (خودآگاهی) The conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires.

Discussion Questions

  1. What does self-love mean to you, and how does it differ from vanity or selfishness?
  2. How can practicing self-awareness lead to a deeper sense of self-love?
  3. In what ways do societal expectations and external validation affect our journey towards self-love?
  4. Discuss the role of vulnerability in developing self-awareness and self-love.
  5. How can we balance the need for self-improvement with the acceptance of our imperfections?
  6. What are some practical steps to cultivate self-compassion and forgive ourselves for our mistakes?
  7. How does the concept of self-love influence our relationships with others and our overall well-being?